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Lyft Accidents

Lyft Accident Attorney Serving California

Our Lyft accident attorney assists people who have been hurt by careless Lyft drivers. The expansion of ride-hailing services such as Lyft has been linked to an increase in fatal car accidents and motor vehicle deaths.

Lyft accident victims and their families are entitled to just compensation for their injuries. Other motorists, Lyft passengers, pedestrians, and bikers may be injured in Lyft accidents.

Head and back injuries, neck injuries, and shattered bones are common injuries in ride-sharing accidents. Victims of Lyft accidents can usually launch a lawsuit against the following defendants:

  • the negligent driver of the Lyft vehicle
  • Lyft itself

Our experienced Lyft accident attorney can initiate a lawsuit on behalf of a victim. We can also do the following:

  • assist victims in receiving medical attention and managing their ongoing medical care
  • investigate an injury case and gather pertinent evidence
  • file a personal injury claim with an at-fault party’s insurance company

The 805 Legal Group is a personal injury law firm headquartered in California. We put in long hours for all our clients and strive to secure you the best possible settlement.

For a confidential consultation, call (805) 420-7547. Your case is important to us.

Why Do You Need a Lyft Accident Attorney in California?

Our Lyft accident attorney knows how much a claim or lawsuit is worth. They will hold at-fault parties accountable for their fair share of a victim’s damages.

In certain circumstances, our experienced Lyft attorney can also uncover hidden value. Our Lyft accident attorney helps victims maximize their compensation by locating additional settlement sources. The technicalities of a lawsuit are also handled by 805 Law Group so that victims may focus on their recovery.

The attorney-client relationship safeguards all conversations between our lawyers and our clients. Unless the client agrees, our Lyft accident attorney cannot reveal any client information to a third party.

Do Rideshare Companies Require Safety Training for Drivers?

A lack of driver safety training may be part of the problem. Not only does the ride-sharing service have lax recruiting standards, but it also does not provide training to its drivers. To begin transporting passengers, the driver needs merely fulfill the company’s recruiting credentials and vehicle specifications.

The company does not demand rigorous safety training or specific permits for drivers. Inexperienced drivers may be unable to respond effectively to changing road conditions or dangers due to a lack of training. As a result, tragic accidents may occur.

In most cases, a lawsuit against Lyft is not based on a lack of driver training. Lyft drivers are self-employed since they are officially independent contractors. This implies they are solely accountable for their driving instruction and competency. Because it is not an employer, the corporation is not liable for its employees.

However, driver classification challenges have thrown this into doubt. Lyft does not provide any driver safety training that may make you think twice about taking a Lyft. Your driver may be untrained or unable to safely navigate California’s busy freeways and roads.

Lyft may refuse your claim in a driver-caused accident because it is not liable for the driver’s acts or behaviors. You can end up in court with a ride-sharing firm attempting to escape liability.

Contact our experienced Lyft accident attorney after any Lyft accident. Speaking with our knowledgeable Lyft accident attorney can help you in better understanding your rights and alternatives moving forward.

What Are Common Types of Lyft Accidents and Injuries?

Almost every day, people in California are wounded in Lyft-related incidents. The following are some of the most common Lyft accidents:
  • Lyft drivers colliding with pedestrians and bicyclists
  • Lyft cars and drivers crashing into other motor vehicles
  • Lyft passengers getting hurt after their driver causes a car accident with another motor vehicle
People can get significant injuries as a consequence of Lyft accidents. The following are some of the most common injuries sustained in ride-sharing accidents:
  • head or brain injuries
  • neck injuries
  • concussions
  • broken bones
  • back injuries
  • lacerations

What Are the Common Causes of Lyft Accidents?

Lyft accident attorney

Lyft accidents have many of the same reasons as other automobile and car service accidents. The following are the most typical causes:

  • Driver inattention
  • Driver fatigue
  • Driver intoxication
  • Traffic violations
  • Vehicle malfunction

Although a ride-share driver’s recklessness may cause an accident, another driver or third party may be to blame. The California Vehicle Code applies to all vehicle incidents. Personal injury lawyers in California with expertise on Lyft accidents will be able to understand the nuances of California law.

After a Lyft accident in California, contact our experienced Lyft accident attorney to obtain the maximum compensation for your losses.

What Should You Do If You Get Into an Accident as a Lyft Passenger?

If you are hurt in a Lyft car accident, you must remember to take certain safeguards and actions.

Seek Medical Assistance

You must get a complete medical examination even if you do not believe you were seriously hurt in a Lyft accident. This assessment will have two aims.

First, it will determine whether any underlying injuries may be life-threatening if they present themselves later. Second, if you decide to submit a claim, your medical records can serve as evidence which may be vital in getting compensation for your injuries.

Report the Incident to the Police

The accident’s date, time, circumstances, and cause(s) will all be included in a police report, which may help you file a claim for damages.

Report the Incident to Lyft on the App

Ridesharing providers will almost certainly try to avoid accountability by shifting the burden of paying for any claims for damages on the driver or a third party.

Reporting the incident as soon as it occurs creates a record of the event and proves that it happened while the driver was on the clock.

Do not take any action except report the occurrence. Please consult with our competent Lyft accident attorney before speaking with personnel from the ride-share firm.

Contact Our Experienced California Lyft Accident Attorney

Before contacting the ride-sharing company concerning compensation, consult with our experienced Lyft accident attorney. After an accident, the insurance firms that represent Lyft and other ride-sharing providers will aim to reduce their compensation.

Our Lyft accident attorney knows how to structure, present, and negotiate the conditions of a claim with these businesses. Using the services of our Lyft accident attorney may help you collect the money you need to get back on your feet.

What Happens If the Lyft Driver Has Caused the Accident?

If a Lyft driver injures a driver or passenger in another vehicle, the injury victims may pursue a lawsuit against the ride-share driver. However, in this scenario, the accountability will be determined by whether the Lyft driver:

  • Is carrying a passenger or going to pick up a passenger
  • Turned on the app and is waiting for a passenger
  • Has no passenger and has not turned on the app

Based on the injuries involved, this distinction may be critical. The collision will be handled as any other automobile accident if the driver has not turned on the app. The driver’s personal insurance coverage will be the extent of the insurance coverage.

The contingent coverage may apply if the ride-share driver has the app open and is waiting for a ride, with more significant limits of $50,000 or $100,000. The $1 million commercial coverage kicks in if the driver either has a Lyft passenger in the car or has accepted a booking and is picking up the rider.

A Lyft driver can lie about whether or not they have been using the app at the time. If you have been harmed in a car accident caused by a driver with a Lyft sign in the vehicle, contact our experienced Lyft accident attorney.

We may be able to subpoena electronic records to see if the driver has been using the app or if the ride has been active at the time of the accident.

Can You Get Damages If You Have Been Partly Responsible for the Accident?

Anyone who has been harmed in an automobile accident in California can receive damages even if they were partially to blame for the event, thanks to the state’s comparative responsibility or comparative negligence statutes.

Comparative negligence is a legal concept that divides culpability among all parties. Due to the plaintiff’s contributory negligence, the plaintiff’s damages will be reduced.

The plaintiff files a claim for damages in a vehicle accident case. A jury will decide how to split culpability amongst the parties involved if the defendant alleges the plaintiff’s carelessness has caused or contributed to their suffering. The plaintiff’s share of negligence will diminish the total damages awarded to the plaintiff.

Multiple drivers are frequently blamed for car accidents, with one accusing the other and other reasons. Even non-driver reasons for an accident can have a role in causing an accident, such as:

  • Driverless car accidents
  • Defective vehicle parts
  • Defective tires
  • Road construction
  • Hazardous road conditions
  • Road debris

How to Handle an Insurance Claim After a Lyft Accident?

Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) like Lyft are subject to specific insurance regulations in California. TNC services are divided into three periods under the law.

Period One

The first period begins when the Lyft driver launches the app and awaits a match. Lyft’s corporate insurance must cover at least $50,000 in death and personal injury per person, $100,000 per accident, and $30,000 in property damage during this time.

Period Two

Period Two begins when the driver accepts a passenger match and is on their way to pick up the passenger. Primary insurance and uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage total $1 million during this time.

Period Three

The third period begins when the passenger is picked up by the driver and ends when the passenger departs the vehicle. Period Three has the same insurance needs as Period Two.

An accident victim must report the collision to Lyft for reimbursement via Lyft’s insurance coverage. Contact Lyft’s critical response line 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and the business will get back to you soon to learn more about your accident. After that, the company will either give you a payout or deny your claim.

Retain the services of our experienced Lyft accident attorney for assistance negotiating insurance payouts or bringing personal injury claims against Lyft, a driver, or a third party.

What Compensation Can You Receive After Your Lyft Accident?

Accident victims in California are entitled to seek damages (legal jargon meaning financial compensation) for their injuries and related expenditures. The court may award punitive damages to a victim if the defendant acted recklessly or in an irresponsible manner, although this is uncommon. There are two types of damage:

Economic Damages

Economic damages are simple to calculate. All of the victim’s accident-related expenditures are combined to arrive at a figure. Economic damage may include (but is not limited to) the following:

  • Medical bills
  • Property damage
  • Lost income
  • Loss of earning capacity

Non-Economic Damages

There is no one-size-fits-all formula for calculating non-economic damages. The following are some of the damages:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress and trauma
  • Losses related to disability or physical impairment
  • Losses related to permanent disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

The compensation a personal injury sufferer can get in California is not limited. If a case gets to trial, a jury can award the victim whatever amount they think is fair based on the facts and the victim’s projected damages.

Should You File a Claim With Lyft After Your Accident as Well?

Lyft has a bad reputation for terrible customer service. The ride-sharing firm has been in the news for its inadequate reaction to victims of sexual harassment as well as vehicle accident victims. Lyft has responded by implementing additional, more severe driver background checks as well as enhanced customer service.

Despite this, if you were harmed or harassed while riding in a Lyft car, you are much better off calling one of our experienced Lyft attorneys than attempting to resolve your issue with Lyft directly.

Defined, Lyft is a corporation that seeks to defend its interests. It will be best if you have our Lyft accident attorney who is part of a formidable team, fighting for your rights. 

What's the Deadline for Filing a Lyft Accident Claim?

In California, you have two years from the accident date to initiate a claim against Lyft. A statute of limitations is a legal term for this situation. Suppose another vehicle was involved in the accident and belonged to a government body (for example, a postal truck or a municipal utility truck). 

In that case, you only have six months to file a claim against them if they were also at fault. Whatever the circumstances of your accident, it is always a good idea to contact our Lyft accident attorney as soon as possible to discuss your case.

How is Liability Determined in a Lyft Accident?

Liability is decided in the same way as in a typical vehicle collision. California is a pure comparative fault state, which implies that if you are wounded in an accident with a Lyft car, you may still file a claim even if you’re partially to blame (liable).

Because a Lyft driver is using their automobile to transport passengers, a Lyft accident claim may be more complicated. Multiple parties, including more than one insurance provider, may be involved.

Furthermore, Lyft has been chastised for providing inadequate customer service to its clients following an accident, especially when there are injuries. If you have been hurt in a Lyft automobile accident, the best thing you can do is call 805 Law Group immediately.

What Are the Complexities of California Law Concerning Lyft Accidents?

Until recently, ride-sharing companies like Lyft were not required by law to offer insurance to their drivers. The question of who is responsible for an accident is always present. Is it the Lyft driver or the ride-sharing corporation that is to blame?

Following a series of tragic ride-hailing incidents, coverage is now required, but liability and coverage vary depending on the driver’s status and the damages incurred.

Regardless of the worth of your case, insurance companies frequently reject claims or make inadequate offers that do not cover all of your losses, such as medical costs, agony, suffering, and lost income, as a consequence of the Lyft ride-sharing accident.

If you have been injured in a Lyft accident, contact our experienced Lyft accident attorney in California to handle your case.

We will manage your case from beginning to end at 805 Law Group to get favorable outcomes. For our customers in California, we have successfully handled many cases.

What is the role of Our Skilled Lyft Accident Attorney?

In these situations, our Lyft accident attorney is critical. We rush in and conduct interviews with accident victims to assess their medical requirements and gather the event’s details. Following that, we help our clients manage their ongoing medical treatment.

Our experienced Lyft accident attorney will also look into the origin and circumstances of the accident, as well as assist the victim in gathering crucial evidence on the Lyft driver’s carelessness. If required, we employ specialists to help in the interpretation of the evidence or the collation of additional proof.

We can issue a demand letter to the negligent party if a victim decides to pursue a personal injury claim. The letter will state that the victim wants to make a claim with the party’s insurance carrier.

We then submit a claim on behalf of our client and negotiate a settlement with the insurance adjuster. If a personal injury claim is denied, our Lyft accident attorney can file a lawsuit on our client’s behalf.

Contact Our California Lyft Accident Attorney

Even though ride-sharing services have grown in popularity, many lawyers are unaware of the intricate insurance laws that apply to Lyft incidents. Furthermore, settling a dispute when more than one person is responsible may be difficult. Working with the committed staff at 805 Law Group is the best approach to getting the total value of your claim.

We will examine your Lyft accident thoroughly and work relentlessly to discover who is at fault. Our legal team is dedicated to obtaining compensation which considers all your future medical and financial requirements.

805 Law Group takes Lyft accident cases on a contingency basis, so you will not have to pay any upfront legal expenses. Please call our firm as soon as possible to talk with our knowledgeable Lyft accident attorney.

To get started, .call our offices at (805) 420-7547.